7 Best Tips for an Effective Pre-Launch Mobile App Digital Marketing Strategy

7 Best Tips for an Effective Pre-Launch Mobile App Digital Marketing Strategy
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The app digital marketing strategy comes in those topics where an individual can write a whole book about what actually they have done so far, and what skills we have, For that we’ve created these pre-launch app marketing tips to  guide you in early marketing footsteps.


  • Start taking initiatives for your app marketing before its launch date.
  • Try engaging the potential customers, and other concerned people much early and quick.
  • Do not take too lightly the significance of email in engaging the “normal” users.
  • Get the client input on key structures and let users post a claim in the formation of the app.
  • Publish sneak peaks to produce interest around your app.
  • To utilize beta testers and influencers to get the benefit with word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing.
  • Get press kit and promotion materials aligned before you submit your app for final review.

Start promoting your app before its launch date

The marketing efforts start from the moment you start working on your app. The similar concept will help as the base for your app marketing efforts. With almost 15 featured apps and hundreds of crafted app experiences, we know the status of taking the marketing in consideration from day one.

Engage potential customers, users, and other interested people

Look out for potential customers in the creation of app process as early as possible and these should be the real app users who can easily provide you the quality feedback and can become the defenders of your app.

Do not underestimate the importance of email

With the prominence of social media, the emails are sometimes overlooked. It’s precarious to capture the email addresses and create your email list, either through Twitter cards, landing pages, or any comparable tools, you will need to capture addresses to grow your list. Email marketing is very powerful, but more prominently it offers to a broader audience. Your email viewers will probably reflect the main stream of users, not only the tech-savvy and early adopters. Our most favorite options include the Sumo, Campaign Monitor and MailChimp.

It’s never late to start blogging

Let’s think to start a blog dedicated to update your growing fan base on the evolution of app’s development. You may ask for input on the key elements and let them raise a statement at your app creation. Although it is WordPress, Tumblr, or Squarespace, there are many stress-free options to use. Blogging is very important in not just building the interest around your app but also congealing it into an integral voice for communication. It will also give more search visibility. Along with it lots of more Target keywords, quality content, and bonding to other industry influencers in order to improve blog’s search engine rankings. You can also Use Google Adwordsand Keyword Planner to help in determining the keywords you wish to rank for. However, your ultimate primary purpose should be providing the content that your customers require

Get tricky with sneak peeks and the teasers

Humans are the visual creatures and that is why “sneak peeks” work really well. A sneak peek may include the screenshots from your app and also a video promo. Apart from that in some cases, even just a text, the same in a blog post labelling what your app is all about. In more or less cases, the charm of a full closed beta can attain more excitement around your app, satisfying those who are close to the concept, and developing interest in those who at this point have always been out of reach.

Get the press kit and boost materials in order

The time before you submit your marketing app for the final review, you are required to prepare your last and finalized launch content which will include your full website, its press releases, the promo videos, the app store screenshots, and further announcement-related content.

You can also start gauging the media contacts for having interest in reviewing your app. Along with that never be ashamed in reaching out to the big profile bloggers and the industry influencers for that early explosion of consideration. Always remember though, your followers and customers will deliver the longest lasting promotion.

A final thought

This robust pre-launch marketing list is just not exhaustive; there are still many of the items which are still ignored or may be overlooked. Engaging and keen concentration on such kind of items won’t assure your app marketing plan success, but they will also give an improved chance of being the next big thing in app stores.

Nancy Lamas is a writer and marketing expert in a well-known digital marketing company in Singapore. She focuses on blog marketing for personal, professional, and business bloggers for digital marketing.

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