Family Constellations: A Healing Movement of the Soul

Family Constellations: A Healing Movement of the Soul
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Family Constellations is a healing movement of the soul discovered by German psychologist and philosopher – Bert Hellinger. It works on transpersonal as well as transgenerational level, touching all the levels of our existence i.e. our DNA, past lives, personal karma as well as all the entanglements we have been unconsciously dealing with. With science progressing in all directions on discovering human life, it has been proven that our DNA contains all the coding of life. Our traits, facial features, behavior – all come from the DNA. In fact, even our emotional baggage too comes from our DNA. Still, have doubt? Learn What is Family Constellations?

Let us take an example – A family has a history of one girl child undergoing schizophrenia in every generation since last three generations. According to science, it is something wrong in the DNA, some strand of DNA isn’t totally functioning. But the truth is, that there is some unacknowledged person in the family lineage who wants his/her position in the family. With the help of Family Constellations, one can understand why the flow of energy has been disrupted and a girl child in every generation is carrying that baggage. Once, the reason is discovered we can work towards resolving that entanglement.

One of the leading Family Constellation’s authors, teacher as well as a practitioner Mark Wolynn has beautifully said – “Family Constellations allow you to break destructive patterns so you can live a more fulfilled life. Once you free of entanglements from the past, new ways of giving and receiving love can begin to take root. The results are often immediate and life-changing.”

An interesting concept which is the basis of Family Constellation’s work is “The Knowing Field.” This concept was coined by Albert Mahr, a German physician, psychoanalyst and one of the leaders of this work. The Knowing Field is simple words is nothing but the Family System’s Soul who has all the information of the past as well as the present. Any kind of disharmonies or sufferings as well as any great achievements, everything is recorded energetically/ vibrationally into this Energy Field. When a therapist or a representative of the client gets in touch with this Knowing Field, they get in touch with the entanglements and then the problem can be seen in a new light of wisdom.

Often, in many cultures, it is said that the ancestors are the roots of any Family System. This is absolutely true because we can see that in the Knowing Field. All the information being present there can open new doorways of understanding the problems and resolving them with a higher perspective as well as from a Force which is true and non-judgmental. The very basis of this work is re-connect the flow of energy i.e. love into the system again. Any kind of entanglements always result in disruption of the flow of love. Let us take a case study to understand this better:

Sam, a 27-year-old man who is physically strong, mentally balanced yet feels something is always missing in him. He was excelling in his work and was regularly appreciated as well as promoted for his work. Yet, he failed to understand the reason. In his first Family Constellations session, it appeared that he had a twin who died. Inside the womb, he was not just sharing space with his twin brother, but also constantly feeling secured and happy.

This discovery was a shocker for Sam as he never knew about him. To verify the facts, he called his mother and she confirmed that she delivered twins, but one was a stillborn child. And it was a son. On verification, Sam was totally in tears. The representative for Sam’s twin brother was awaiting Sam’s love. He missed him too much and was unhappy that he wasn’t ever acknowledged in any form. Sam’s representative as well as Sam both hugged the dead brother’s representative until all the love poured out from their hearts. Some healing statements were used to bring in more peace, love, and clarity.

After the session was completed, Sam was yet crying but this time in peace. He said, “For the first time in my life, I have felt loved and complete from within. Each time when I felt incomplete from within, I always became more depressive and lost interest in life. But today, I am complete.”

In the above case study, it shows how powerful emotions are as well as a stillborn child. A still born child may be dead clinically, but still, for his/her parents he is a child. It is the duty as well as the responsibility of the parents to give this dead child a place in their hearts of love, respect, gratitude, and honor. This also shows that how each one of us holds their own position in the Family System and that it is necessary to acknowledge even the dead.

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