4 Adverse Effects of Sleep Deprivation

4 Adverse Effects of Sleep Deprivation
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Sleep is one of the most fundamental and critical parts of self-care. As kids, we hated the thought of going to sleep and rebelled very much against. Now, as adults, we’re all desperate to have even just a few good hours of sleep.

Sleep deprivation is such a common thing that we’d be surprised to hear someone say they had a complete 8 hours of sleep or more. As for those who can’t even get 6 or 7 hours of shut-eye, we do everything else to balance it out health wise.

There are so many vitamins and supplements for sale in the Philippines by USANA and other manufacturers, and we consume as much as we can just to keep our bodies healthy.

However, these tablets won’t be enough to save our bodies from the effects of sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep causes adverse effects to our bodies and we’ll have them enumerated below.

Slows Down Cognitive Processes

Thinking and learning requires a lot of brainpower. Lack of sleep tires your brain out and prevents it from functioning fully or at all. This eventually impairs your cognitive skills such as concentration, attention, reasoning, problem solving, alertness, and more. To put it simply, sleep deprivation will prevent you from learning efficiently and effectively.

Makes You Forgetful

Sleep plays a huge part in consolidating memories and this happens during an event called “sharp wave ripples.” These ripples are responsible for sorting out your memories of the day and transferring learned information to where long-term memories are stored, which is in the brain’s neocortex.

For these events to occur, you must reach a deep level of sleep – something you won’t be able to achieve in a few short hours of rest.

Leads to Gain Weight

According to studies, lack of sleep can lead to increased hunger and appetite and, on some cases, obesity. People who get less than 6 hours of sleep are 30% more likely to develop obesity.

The science behind this is the evident link between sleep and the generation of peptidescalled ghrelin and leptin. These two peptides are responsible for regulating appetite and are often called the “hunger hormones.”

Ghrelin is produce when the stomach is empty and travels to the brain to signal hunger. Leptin, on the other hand, is an appetite suppressor. It is made by fat cells and signals satiety to the brain to decrease appetite.

Increases Risk of Developing Health Problems

Sleep deprivation can often lead to health problems such as heart disease, heart attacks, heart failure, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other heart-related problems.

It is no coincidence that most of these health problems have to do with the heart because the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases is doubled when a person regularly lacks sleep.

In fact, estimates show that 90% of people with insomnia, who naturally don’t get enough sleep, are also suffering with other health conditions.

Key Takeaway

No amount of vitamins and supplements can reverse the effects of sleep deprivation. As much as you want to try out the tablets that are for sale in USANA Philippines and other brands, it just won’t work.

Truly, the best way to counter these adverse effects is to get your recommended 8 hours of sleep. We know that’s hard, especially in this day and age where you can get left behind if you do so much as blink, but it’s something you have to do.

You owe it to yourself and to your body to have a good night’s sleep! If you have to sacrifice going out with friends or watching your favorite show just to get 8 straight hours of shut-eye, then do it; you’ll be losing a lot more if you don’t.

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